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Alternatives for Chives in Cooking

Substitutes for chives in cooking include tarragon and dill for egg dishes, dried chives and parsley for dried herbs, green onions and leeks for fresh herbs, chervil and fennel fronds for potato dishes, and garlic chives and wild garlic for vegan and vegetarian recipes.

  1. Substitutes for Chives in Egg Dishes
  2. Substitutes for Chives in Dried Herbs
  3. Substitutes for Chives in Fresh Herbs
  4. Alternatives for Chives in Potato Dishes
  5. Alternatives for Chives in Vegan and Vegetarian
  6. Conclusion

Substitutes for Chives in Egg Dishes


Tarragon has a unique anise-like flavor that pairs well with egg dishes. Use sparingly as it is stronger than chives. Start with a pinch and adjust to taste. No specific brands are preferred; fresh or dried tarragon can be used.


Dill offers a fresh, slightly tangy flavor that complements egg dishes. Use in a 1:1 ratio to chives for a different but pleasant taste. Fresh dill is preferred, but dried can also be used. Brands like McCormick and Spice Islands offer dried dill.

Substitutes for Chives in Dried Herbs

Dried Chives

Dried chives can replace fresh chives when the herb is not available. They work well in recipes where they can rehydrate, like dips and soups. Use at a ratio of 1:1 for dried to fresh. Expect a less potent flavor. McCormick and Litehouse are popular brands.

Dried Parsley

Dried parsley offers a different but complementary flavor. It can add a similar color and texture in dishes, though the taste will vary. Use a 1:1 ratio as a starting point, adjusting to taste. Brands like McCormick and Simply Organic are common.

Substitutes for Chives in Fresh Herbs

Green Onions (Scallions)

Green onions provide a similar onion flavor and make an excellent garnish. Use only the green parts for a closer match. They are slightly stronger, so use sparingly to taste. There is no need for a specific ratio; adjust to your preference. Popular brands include Melissa's and Cal-Organic.


Leeks have a milder flavor compared to chives and can be used in small amounts. Finely chop the light green parts for garnishing. They work well in soups and salads. Start with a small amount and add to taste. No specific brands preferred, as they are commonly available fresh.

Alternatives for Chives in Potato Dishes


Chervil has a mild flavor with a hint of anise, similar to parsley. It can be used as a chive substitute in potato dishes for a subtle herby taste. Use fresh chervil in a 1:1 ratio. It's less common, so no specific brands are suggested.

Fennel Fronds

Fennel fronds have a delicate anise flavor and can be chopped finely to mimic the texture of chives. They are excellent in potato salads. Use in moderation as the flavor is stronger. No specific brands, as fresh fennel is typically used.

Alternatives for Chives in Vegan and Vegetarian

Garlic Chives

Garlic chives have a garlicky flavor and can be used in vegan and vegetarian dishes where a more pronounced taste is desired. Use them as a 1:1 substitute for regular chives. They are often found fresh in markets or specialty stores.

Wild Garlic

Wild garlic, or ramps, have a strong garlic flavor and are used sparingly. They're great in dressings and spreads. Begin with a small amount and adjust to taste. They are foraged and not typically associated with brands.


Recipe CategorySubstitutes
Egg DishesTarragon, Dill
Dried HerbsDried Chives, Dried Parsley
Fresh HerbsGreen Onions (Scallions), Leeks
Potato DishesChervil, Fennel Fronds
Vegan and VegetarianGarlic Chives, Wild Garlic

Although chives have a unique flavor and appearance, these substitutes can help maintain the integrity of your dish when chives are unavailable. Each alternative brings its own unique flavor profile and should be used according to individual taste preferences and recipe requirements.