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Alternatives for Ground Coriander in Cooking

Substitutes for ground coriander in cooking include cardamom and cinnamon for baking, cumin and garam masala for soups and stews, caraway seeds and curry powder for meat rubs, and ground fennel seeds for vegetarian dishes. Adjust quantities to taste due to varying flavor intensities.

  1. Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Baking
  2. Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Soups and Stews
  3. Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Gluten-Free Recipes
  4. Recipes With Ground Coriander
  5. Alternatives for Ground Coriander in Meat and Poultry Rubs
  6. Alternatives for Ground Coriander in Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes
  7. Conclusion

Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Baking


Cardamom has a unique sweet and spicy flavor that can be used in baking as a substitute for coriander. Start with half the amount and adjust to taste as it's quite potent. Its floral notes can elevate baked goods. Popular brands include Frontier Co-op and Morton & Bassett.


Cinnamon provides warmth and sweetness, making it a suitable substitute for coriander in baked goods. Use in a 1:1 ratio but adjust to preference, as the flavor is more forward. Brands like Ceylon Cinnamon and McCormick are popular.

Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Soups and Stews


Cumin offers a warm, earthy note similar to coriander. It works well in savory dishes like soups and stews. Use in a 1:1 ratio, but expect a slightly more intense flavor. Keep in mind that cumin has a stronger taste, so you may want to use less. Popular brands include McCormick and Simply Organic.

Garam Masala

Garam Masala, a blend of ground spices, can mimic the complexity of coriander. It's suitable for soups and stews with its warm profile. Start with half the amount of coriander called for and adjust to taste. Popular brands include MDH and Everest.

Substitutes for Ground Coriander in Gluten-Free Recipes


Cumin is gluten-free and can replicate the earthy tones of coriander in gluten-free recipes. Use a 1:1 ratio, adjusting for the stronger flavor profile. McCormick and Simply Organic offer gluten-free options.

Curry Powder

Curry powder is a good gluten-free option that includes coriander as part of its blend. Use sparingly due to its complex flavor and check for gluten-free labeling. MDH and Everest are brands that offer gluten-free curry powder.

Alternatives for Ground Coriander in Meat and Poultry Rubs

Caraway Seeds

Ground caraway seeds can replace ground coriander due to their similar earthy and slightly peppery taste. Use in a 1:1 ratio, but start with less and adjust as caraway can be potent. They work well in rubs for meats. Popular brands include Frontier Co-op and Spicely Organics.

Curry Powder

Curry powder, which often contains coriander, can be used in a pinch. It has a complex flavor that complements meat rubs. Use sparingly as its flavor profile is broader and includes additional spices. McCormick and Spice Island are recommended brands.

Alternatives for Ground Coriander in Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes

Ground Fennel Seeds

Ground fennel seeds have a sweet, anise-like flavor that can stand in for ground coriander. Use a 1:1 ratio but be aware of the sweeter taste. They work well in dishes where a hint of sweetness is desirable. Popular brands include Simply Organic and Spicely Organics.


Cumin's earthy flavor makes it a good substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes, complementing other spices well. Use a 1:1 ratio but adjust to taste due to its potency. Brands like McCormick and Simply Organic are widely used.

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Recipe CategorySubstitutes
BakingCardamom, Cinnamon
Soups and StewsCumin, Garam Masala
Gluten-Free RecipesCumin, Curry Powder
Meat and Poultry RubsCaraway Seeds, Curry Powder
Vegetarian and Vegan DishesGround Fennel Seeds, Cumin

While ground coriander is a unique spice with an irreplaceable flavor profile, the substitutes provided can help you achieve a similar taste in a variety of dishes. Remember to start with smaller amounts when substituting, as the flavor intensity of spices can vary. With these alternatives, you can continue to explore and adapt your favorite recipes to suit your palate and dietary needs.