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Cream is a rich dairy product that is derived from milk. It is available year-round and is used in a variety of culinary applications. Cream is a staple in many cuisines, particularly in French and Italian cooking, where it is often used to create rich sauces, soups, and desserts. It can be used in its liquid form, whipped into a light and fluffy texture, or even churned into butter. Cream adds a luxurious, velvety texture and a mild, sweet flavor to dishes.

Cream Synonyms

  • Heavy cream
  • whipping cream
  • double cream

Different Forms/Types of Cream

UHT Cream

Ultra-high temperature (UHT) processed cream has been sterilized for longer shelf life. It is often used in cooking and baking.

Sour Cream

This is a type of cream that has been fermented by lactic acid bacteria. It has a tangy flavor and is often used in dips and sauces.

Heavy Cream

This is the thickest type of cream with a fat content of about 36-40%. It is ideal for whipping and gives volume to dishes like soufflés.

Light Cream

Also known as table or coffee cream, it has a fat content of about 18-30%. It is lighter and not suitable for whipping.

Canned Cream

Cream that has been canned for long-term storage. It is often sweetened and used in desserts.


This is a blend of equal parts milk and cream, and it has a fat content of about 10-18%. It is commonly used in coffee.

Whipping Cream

This cream has a fat content of about 30-35%. It can be whipped to incorporate air but doesn't hold its shape as well as heavy cream.


How to Choose Cream

When purchasing cream, look for products that are fresh with a good expiration date. The cream should have a clean, fresh smell. Avoid any cream that has an off smell or appears to have separated. For canned or UHT cream, ensure the packaging is intact with no signs of damage or bloating. Always check the fat content to ensure it is suitable for your intended use.

Cooking/Prep Tips for Cream

Cream is a versatile ingredient that can add richness and depth to a variety of dishes. It's important to remember that cream can curdle if it's heated too quickly or to a high temperature. To prevent this, heat cream slowly and gently, and avoid boiling it. If you're adding cream to a hot dish, it's a good idea to temper it first by gradually mixing in some of the hot liquid before adding the cream to the dish. This will help to raise the temperature of the cream slowly and reduce the risk of curdling. When whipping cream, make sure it's very cold to achieve the best volume and stability. Also, be careful not to over-whip it, as it can quickly turn into butter.

Shelf Life of Cream

Fresh cream should be stored in the refrigerator and used by the expiration date. Once opened, it should be used within a week. Canned and UHT cream can be stored in a cool, dark place until opened, after which they should be refrigerated and used within a few days. Sour cream, once opened, should be used within two weeks. Always ensure to store cream in airtight containers or well-sealed to prevent absorption of other food odors in the refrigerator.

Recommended Brands for Cream

UHT cream: Elle & Vire

sour cream: Daisy

heavy cream: Organic Valley

light cream: Horizon Organic

canned cream: Nestle

half-and-half: Darigold

whipping cream: Land O'Lakes


Cooking Techniques for Cream

Infusing: Cream can be infused with various flavors like vanilla, herbs, or spices. This is done by heating the cream with the flavoring agent, then letting it steep until the desired flavor is achieved.

Whipping: Whipped cream is made by beating cream until it forms soft or stiff peaks. This can be done with a whisk, a hand mixer, or a stand mixer. The cream should be very cold, and the process should be done quickly to avoid over-beating.

Simmering: Cream is often simmered to create a rich, thick sauce. This is done by heating the cream slowly and stirring it constantly to prevent it from scorching or curdling.


Cream Nutritional Information (100g)

  • fat: 36 g
  • fiber: 0 g
  • sugar: 3.2 g
  • protein: 2.1 g
  • calories: 340 kcal
  • carbohydrates: 3.3 g

Flavor Combinations

Cream pairs well with a wide range of flavors. It's often used in savory dishes with ingredients like mushrooms, chicken, and garlic. In sweet dishes, cream is a perfect match for fruits like strawberries and peaches, as well as chocolate and vanilla. It also complements spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. Cream can also be used to balance out spicy or acidic flavors in a dish.

Allergen Information

Cream is a common allergen, particularly for those with lactose intolerance or a milk allergy. Symptoms can range from mild (bloating, gas) to severe (anaphylaxis). Alternatives can be used for those with allergies, including lactose-free cream, almond milk, or coconut cream.

Ingredient Comparisons