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Perilla Oil

Perilla oil, derived from the seeds of the perilla plant, is a rich, flavorful oil with a distinctive nutty and slightly grassy taste. It is not bound by strict seasonality, as the oil can be produced year-round once the seeds are harvested. Perilla oil is a staple in Korean cuisine, used for its health benefits and for adding depth to dishes such as dressings, marinades, and for sautéing vegetables. It is also used in other Asian cuisines, though less frequently.

Perilla Oil Synonyms

  • Wild sesame oil
  • Korean perilla oil
  • Deulgireum

Different Forms/Types of Perilla Oil


Perilla oil that has been processed to remove impurities, resulting in a lighter color and milder taste.


Perilla oil extracted through cold-pressing, retaining most of its nutritional value and flavor.


How to Choose Perilla Oil

When selecting perilla oil, opt for cold-pressed varieties to ensure maximum flavor and nutritional benefits. Look for oils that are packaged in dark bottles to protect from light, which can degrade the quality. The oil should have a fresh, nutty aroma, and avoid any that smell rancid or off.

Cooking/Prep Tips for Perilla Oil

Perilla oil, derived from the seeds of the perilla plant, is a flavorful and aromatic oil that can add a unique nutty and slightly grassy flavor to dishes. It is important to note that perilla oil has a low smoke point, so it is best used for finishing dishes or in dressings and marinades rather than for high-heat cooking. To preserve its delicate flavors and health benefits, it should be stored in a cool, dark place and used within a few months of opening.

Shelf Life of Perilla Oil

Perilla oil should be stored in a cool, dark place to prevent oxidation. Once opened, it's best to keep the oil in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life. Make sure the cap is tightly sealed after each use to maintain freshness. Typically, perilla oil can be stored for up to six months in the refrigerator, but always check for any changes in aroma or flavor as signs of spoilage.

Recommended Brands for Perilla Oil

refined perilla oil: CJ CheilJedang

cold-pressed perilla oil: Ottogi


Cooking Techniques for Perilla Oil

Dressing: Perilla oil makes an excellent base for salad dressings, imparting a rich, nutty flavor. Whisk it with vinegar, soy sauce, and a touch of honey or sugar for a balanced dressing.

Finishing: Drizzle perilla oil over cooked dishes just before serving to enhance their flavor. It works particularly well with Asian-inspired dishes, adding a layer of complexity.

Marinating: Use perilla oil as a component in marinades for meat, fish, or vegetables. Its unique flavor profile can add depth to the ingredients it's paired with, especially when combined with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger.


Perilla Oil Nutritional Information (100g)

  • fat: 100 g
  • fiber: 0 g
  • sugar: 0 g
  • protein: 0 g
  • calories: 884 kcal
  • carbohydrates: 0 g

Flavor Combinations

Perilla oil pairs exceptionally well with ingredients commonly found in Asian cuisine. It complements the flavors of sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, and soy sauce. Vegetables like eggplant, spinach, and mushrooms also benefit from its nutty taste. For a refreshing contrast, it can be paired with citrusy flavors like yuzu or lemon, or with the slight bitterness of greens like arugula or kale.

Allergen Information

Perilla oil is not a common allergen, but as with any food product, sensitivities can occur. Individuals with specific plant allergies should consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating perilla oil into their diet.