A delicately flavored halibut dish poached in olive oil with aromatic garlic and mint.
Halibut Fillet, Cubed
0 lb
to taste
Garlic Clove, Minced
Lemon Juice, Freshly squeezed
to taste
Mint, Chopped
to garnish
1. Season and Heat Oil
Season one pound of cubed halibut fillet with a pinch of fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. In a medium-size skillet, gently heat four tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil over low heat.
2. Poach Halibut
Once the oil is warm, carefully add the seasoned halibut cubes, a small sprig of rosemary, and half a teaspoon of dried mint. Poach until the fish turns opaque, about three minutes.
3. Add Garlic and Cook
Stir in two minced garlic cloves along with an additional quarter teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Allow the garlic to cook until fragrant and the halibut is fully cooked, about three minutes.
4. Season and Garnish
Season the dish to taste with more salt and pepper if needed, and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice for brightness, if you like. Garnish with freshly chopped mint.
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