A deliciously golden and cheesy puff made with simple ingredients that come together beautifully in the oven.
Black Pepper, Freshly cracked
to taste
Gruyère Cheese, Grated
Coarse Sea Salt
to taste
1. Prepare the Batter
In a bowl, whisk together 3 large eggs, 1/2 cup of whole milk, 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt, and a good crack of black pepper until the mixture is smooth. Then, fold in 3/4 cup of grated Gruyère cheese.
2. Prepare the Skillet
Melt 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter in a 9-inch ovenproof skillet over medium heat, swirling the butter to coat the skillet. Pour the batter into the skillet.
3. Bake the Puff
Transfer the skillet to a preheated 400 degrees oven and bake for 30 minutes. The puff is done when it has puffed up and turned a dark golden color on top.
4. Finishing Touches
Remove the Gruyère Puff from the oven and sprinkle with coarse sea salt before serving hot.
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